Legal Statement

Company Details

Geitenedt 8
4202 Kirchschlag bei Linz
Austria (EU)

T +43 7215 21183-0
M +43 664 3712446

Company details provided by the Austrian Economic Chamber (available in German only)

Managing director: Stefan Oschkera
VAT-No.: ATU 67351377
Company registration: 382898k
Court of registry: LG Linz

Please note that the disclosure of an electronic mail address does not constitute approval to receive unsolicited electronic mail in accordance with Section 101 of the Telecommunications Act (Telekommunikationsgesetz, TKG).

Business Fields

Consulting Engineers for Mechanical Engineering
Business Consulting for Business Organisation and Technology
IT Services


Upper Austria Economic Chamber
Austrian Association of Consulting Engineers
Austrian Association of Business Consultants and Business Organisation (UBIT)
Member of the pool of consultants of the the Austrian Economic Chamber (UNS)
Member of the pool of consultants of the Business Promotion Institute (WIFI), Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKW)
ESA Entity Code: see ESA Entities Directory

Applicable Legal Provisions

Applicable legal provisions:
ECG National Administrative Body: District administrative authority Urfahr-Umgebung (Bezirkshauptmannschaft)

Terms and Conditions



ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System


Design: Helium 3 – Roland Fraunberger
Coding and CMS: CreaFlow Advertising – Martin Jansesberger
Proofreading: TransTexT Smith KG – Andrew Smith


SYENTEC is a registered trademark of Stefan Oschkera
The SYENTEC figurative mark/logo is a registered trademark of SYENTEC GmbH


The contents of this website are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any information or data content, in particular the use of text, pictures or graphics, requires prior wirtten approval by SYENTEC GmbH.


The contents of this website have been compliled with utmost care and diligence and are updated regularly. However, we cannot accept any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness, and correctness of the contents provided. All contents are provided for informational purposes only and cannot at all be considered as substitute for a detailed individual advice or a quote tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

This website contains links or references to other websites maintained by third parties over whom we have no control. Therefore SYENTEC GmbH makes no warranties, undertakings or representations of any kind as to the accuracy, currency, quality, completeness or fitness for purpose of any information contained in such websites and shall have no liability for any loss, damage or cost of any kind arising from such information. But we will remove any link or reference to external websites as soon as we become aware of any illegal, unethical or otherwise improper content.

SYENTEC GmbH reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate operation of or access to this website and change or amend the information provided at any time and without prior notice.